Trail guides now available!
Portland Forest Hikes and Hiking from Portland to the Coast now available at Powell's, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Google Play, and other major book retailers.
Author readings scheduled at Powell's (SE Hawthorne) on March 9th at 7:30 PM. Also at Annie Bloom Books in Hillsdale on March 17th at 7 PM.-
Recent Posts
- It takes a Forest. Part 2
- It takes a forest. Part 1
- What’s in a name?
- The chaos at the end of Belding Road.
- North Fork of the Salmonberry – alternative access to the Salmonberry River
- Excerpt from coming book on NW Oregon: What was Illahee?
- The river that connects us; the river that divides us.
- Tales from the Salmonberry River
- Moonshining along the Lower Columbia River.
- Kerfuffle in the St. Helens Schoolyard.
- Be careful what you ask for.
- The Grange movement – the Internet of its day.
- “Animals to Avoid”
- The Wreck of the 104
- 32 Indian and Pioneer Trails in the North Coast range – compiled by R. L. Benson
- Shoot-out at the Sophie Mozee homestead!
- How to avoid becoming a statistic in the Oregon Forests
- Hindu gems hidden in the hills above Scappoose.
- What the Indians really smoked in their peace pipes.
- My “deliverance” hike on Cronin Creek
- Close encounters with an Alder
- Kamaiakin and the Klickitat Wars of 1855-56
- Following the Golden Rule
- Timber Legacies 4: The Timber Wars
- The first big environmental battle in Oregon’s brewing timber wars.
Recent Comments
- Teresa Brandt on Bacona Road
- cody on Chapter 3 – Illahee and the Tribes
- Aashish Dhawan on Ravens and crows
- Mike Garland on The Grange movement – the Internet of its day.
- Mrmagoo on Lower Salmonberry River
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Setting up and maintaining the information behind this site is a huge undertaking, and any contribution that you can make to cover expenses would be most gratefully accepted. Happy Trails, Jim Thayer
Category Archives: Salmonberry Trails
North Fork of the Salmonberry – alternative access to the Salmonberry River
North Fork of the Salmonberry Trail Brief summary: This trail really goes to the heart of what led me to write this guide: the desire to find the truly beautiful places that exist way out beyond where most people will … Continue reading
Posted in Misc Trails & Trips, Salmonberry Trails
Tales from the Salmonberry River
Tales from the Salmonberry River There is a 21-mile long canyon that cuts through the heart of the Oregon Coast Range from Washington County to Nehalem Bay. It is a wild and violent place where brutal storms, fresh off the … Continue reading
Posted in Coastal Trails, Railroads, Salmonberry Trails
The Wreck of the 104
About 46.5 miles out of Portland on the Sunset Highway (US 26) we reach an important junction on the way to the coast. Most people go flying by the rest area located there, unless the kiddies in the backseat are … Continue reading
My “deliverance” hike on Cronin Creek
For weeks I had had been itching to explore an old logging road down the promontory that one can see from Four Seven Ridge – the narrow and slopping shoulder that squeezes itself down into the ravine on the southern … Continue reading
Hurting the earth as little as possible – in memory of Randy Hodges
In the 1998 edition of The Pacific Crest Trail Hiker’s Handbook, Ray Jardine admonishes us that trail building should, “try to hurt the earth as little as possible”. The overriding objective should be to keep the wilderness experience as natural … Continue reading
In the twilight of a late summer’s day.
September 25, the day before my birthday promised to be a lovely Indian summer day, and all the myriad domestic duties just couldn’t keep me out of the woods! It was late in the morning when I finally got off … Continue reading
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Roger’s Peak – hiking one of the North Coasts tallest peaks.
You know, I’ve got to stop doing this! I’m supposed to be completing my guide for the two overland routes from Portland to the Coast and focusing on filling in the detail on all the walks north and south of … Continue reading
Posted in Salmonberry Trails
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Skinnydipping in the Salmonberry
Yesterday I reconnoitered the western end of the Salmonberry River railroad corridor, which can be accessed by road from Elsie. For 12 miles this scenic back road (with vicious potholes at the southern end) follows the Nehalem River down to … Continue reading
Posted in Salmonberry Trails
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